Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thus endeth Sexegesima.

Well Sexigesima has come and gone in naught but a wink. And Ash Wednesday is sitting there in the middle of the road like a forlorn, forgotten, and unforgiven cousin, wearing only the humble garb of penitence and sorrow.

But Lent has not arrived yet. And the joys of Epiphany still seem to surround me. More now, I think that in actual Epiphany tide. It is as if they don't want to let me go - protecting me, comforting me as I enter into trails and hardships. The pleasures of King Cake and homemade pasta kept me company at the end of the week. . Could it have been any better?

It was a good week. For some reason, I was just.... happy. I had no cares or concerns. Nothing could really grate against my nerves, and I don't really know why. But thats how it was...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Twas a misty moisty morning

We went to Chico this weekend and the canyon was covered in a blanket of beautiful mist. Then on our way home, the moon shone blessedly.....

Sunday, February 1, 2009


This weekend I did some photos for Bex. Tell me what you think.