Hope you all have some fantastic and fun plans for this evening.
Well, I thought it was about time to give you all an update of what I've been up to. Classes have been fun and yet challenging. My instructors are constantly pushing me to make new discoveries about my characters or text. This past week and for all next week, myself and another girl are working on Act 4, Scene 3 from Othello, and we are constantly being pushed to understand the text better and better.
Miss Stienberg, you will be pleased to know that one of my favorite classes though, is our IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) class. IPA is the pronunciation guide for a word that appears directly after a word in a dictionary. It is SO fun! No one else really likes it, but it was really easy for me to pick up. (Thank you St. Andrew's for making me take Greek and Latin).
I also told you that I would be posting some pictures, so here are a few.
These next few photos were taken the other night at the DelMar fair.
And this is Gedaly and Alexandra....
This is Eve and Sassan giving us a wonderful performance of Truly Bad Opera. (My apologies for the poor quality. They were moving too fast for me to catch a clear shot and we didn't have the house lights on).
For those of you who are wondering, Truly Bad Opera is an exercise we do to help us with calling (producing a rich, round, full voice for speaking). We were instructed to do the scenes we were practicing in our acting lab in operatic voices. Some of it is truly bad, but it is also the funnest and funniest thing ever. Once you get up on stage and start singing no one has any worries about what they sound like, or what notes are coming next. They just drop their jaw, breath deep and let it all out.
Anyway, that pretty much concludes the highlights of this week. Next week we have a guest instructor coming from Chile to work with us in the mornings on movement and choreography-like exercises. So that should be interesting. Right now though, I'm off to Balboa Park to hang out. (Some of you are wondering what I'm going to do when I come home and have nothing to do. My only answer is I better have some pretty full hours to keep me busy or yes, I will be very bored. :D). Until next time....
1 comment:
Neato! Sounds and looks like you're having a phenomenal time. I'm going to call you tomorrow morning. . . I don't know what time classes start, though. You're staying with a man? Naughty Lena! jk. That opera exercise sounds like a blast. Reminds me of the play my first year at Stanny's when I played guitar as a mistral. ha.
I had a phenom 4th too. (I can't believe I just typed 'phenom' . . . ) I was at the Anglican Way conference and we went to a patriotic sing a long at Fr. Boonzaaijer's church (I know I spelled his name wrong). Texans are amazingly patriotic. Very weird, being a cynical, government-wary Californian. And then we went to Miss Banek's brother's house and sang hymns and had sundays and then we saw fireworks. You'll never guess who I met-Greg Hoyt. It was totally weird, after hearing about him from all of you. Rather like meeting a celebrity or something. ha. Kid is a crackup. You'd like to dance with him.
We had a dance the last night, Saturday, and had an absolute blast. The guys actually knew how to lead. Novel, eh? And everyone reads Wodehouse. There are two people in this world: those who love Wodehouse and those who don't get it.
So after rambling on and taking up all your comment space, I sign off. I should have just emailed. But that is so boring. I am more of a public, exhibitionist character. :D
- Myself
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